Friday, April 25, 2008

What a Mess!!!

Update on Will: He's walking like a champ these days...everyone is "mama" (I knew she'd come back!!!) "mama" also means "I'd like that, please hand it to me"...says "diis" and "daat" (which we think is "this" and "that" and "bloon" for balls and balloons...he loves to eat peas, blueberries (his new favorite), broccoli (another favorite), but still no meat!...he's recently learned how to climb up in his water table so he's sitting in 5 inches of water, fully dressed (THAT was a surprise, the first time!)...the piano is still a very fun toy (a real one, not a toy)...he weighs 25 lbs now...

On to our big mess...

Right before Will and I were going to meet my dad for lunch today (like we do every Friday), things got a little too quiet...

He likes to take stuff out of the fridge and walk around with it. Mom wasn't thinking when she let him take a milk jug with him...Thank goodness it was only on the entry! He managed to miss all the carpet (LUCKY)!

The mess
Look, Mom, look what I did!

He was so proud...


Jen J said...

Just the beginning of many more messes to come, I'm sure! What a cutie he is!

hchick said...

OMG, a full milk jug!!! He is a strong little man maybe the next hulk?

Craziest Cottrell said...

I can't believe he is so big! At least it was only milk and not chocolate syrup or jam or a whole carton of eggs! All of those things should be in a lock drawer in the fridge for that same reason. Although I don't have a locking drawer, and I am sure that people would think that I was being cruel if I did.